
Why Snackable Content Wins in 2014

24 July 2014
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The average individual has an eight-second attention span for online content — that’s one second less than a goldfish and 12 seconds less than he/she had about a decade ago. So if marketers want to make an impression, they need to do it quickly. Snackable content is in high demand!  The web has gone visual & viral. Social sites like YouTube, Pinterest, Vine, Snapchat, Tumblr, Instagram, Visualy, and Imgur  are reshaping how the web is “consumed.”


What is, “Snackable” content?

Just like your favorite “fun size” candy bar, snackable content is made for the on-the-go consumer who needs answers to his questions in a moment’s notice. When done right, snackable content leaves the consumer hungry, and eager for more.

The evolution of snackable content began with Twitter. With a strong emphasis on brevity, making all 140 characters of a tweet “count” is a challenge, and an art. With the constant on-the-go culture we have adopted, we have no time to read a lengthy article. Neither do our followers!

The human brain prefers visual information. According to HubSpot, we process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Visual translates to snackable, and snackable always wins. Here’s why –

Crunching the Snackable Numbers: 
  1. On WordPress sites alone, users produce about 42.6 million new posts and 51.6 million new comments each month. Stand out among the crowd; everyone wants to be friends with the guy with snacks.
  2. Content with images drives 94% more total views than content without.
  3. 67% of online consumers consider clear, detailed visuals to be more important than product information or even customer ratings. Visuals show your products without actually telling people about them. Giving customers the freedom to make their own assumptions about what you offer.
  4. 37% increase in engagement is experienced when Facebook posts include photographs. This is consistent with research by Dan Zarrella of Hubspot.
  5. 60% of consumers are more likely to consider or contact a business whose images appear in local search results

Now you know WHY this approach works. How do you create your own snackable content? Let us help:

10 Ingredients to Snackable Content
  1. Use lean, mean content. Cut the fluff and get to the point. Snacks, not buffets.
  2. Headlines will make or break your click through rate, chose your words wisely
  3. You have ten seconds to get the attention of your visitor. The usability maestro Jakob Nielsen’s Darwinian logic is spot on for content marketers.
  4. Who’s hungry for the content you have to offer? Know your audience and their favorite topics
  5. Be conversational, or even transparent. People react to personality and voice used by your brand
  6. Formatting can be a deal breaker. Be sure you break it up with headers, bullets or lists
  7. Reuse and repurpose content! That blog can become an infographic, a quote can become a digital asset, as long as it’s still relevant. Use it!
  8. The eye naturally travels in an “F” pattern. Use your space wisely.
  9. Be sure your content is mobile friendly
  10. Be bold, it works! As an industry leader, take a stance and get creative. This drives shareability

Our last piece of advice…measure your results! Using your site’s Google Analytics, or a social media tool such as HootSuite, you can see the impact of your snackable nuggets. See what works, adjust, and repeat.

Our brains are wired to be visual. Use this to your advantage and tap into our innate senses when building your next marketing campaign.

Are you snacky? Where do you see the most snackable content around the web? Share your favorite sources in the comments below!

About Mandy Curtin

With a blend of digital marketing, PR and social media experience, Mandy brings to the table a fresh, creative approach to our clients’ needs. When she’s not brainstorming for digital domination or expanding her social toolbox, you’ll find exploring the outdoors or enjoying live music. Please connect with Mandy Curtin on Google+

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