
Marketing MOMENTum – Google Micro-Moments Pt. 2

1 September 2015
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“As marketers, we all want our brands to be there when consumers are looking for us…… We grade ourselves on impressions. Not impact. Frequency. Not utility.  Maybe we should be looking instead at our share of intent—the percent of time we are there to answer people’s needs, questions, and wants. Being there and being useful in these moments won’t only improve your customers’ lives; it’ll improve your bottom line.”

Think with Google

Welcome to another blog article about Google’s new model of marketing strategy – Micro-Moments. This week, I would like to explore some conceptual elements of how marketers can develop marketing strategies to capture customer’s attention at the various “moments” that occur along their journeys to purchase.

Ad Age recently came up with their own definition of Micro Moments that may help enhance your understanding: “In short, micro-moments open windows of “in the moment” opportunities when someone searches for something top-of-mind using the closest device to them.”

Brands need to ensure information about their businesses’ products & services can be found quickly after the need for them arises within target consumers. This holds true for both businesses that sell their services online and those that sell in physical locations. Let’s revisit some statistics illustrating the need for optimizing around moments:

  • 82% of smartphone users consult their phones to make in-store purchases.
  • Conversion rates for mobile e-commerce have increased 29%
  • 93% of people who use a mobile device for research go on to make a purchase.
  • After reading something on a smartphone, nearly one in four shoppers has changed his or her mind about buying something while in the checkout line.

Now, Let’s review some of the types of moments that Google recommends that marketers optimize around:

  • I want to learn…
  • I want to buy…
  • I want to know…
  • I want to go…
  • I want to do…

When one of the above “wanting” moments arises within a consumer, their reflex is to reach for a smartphone to search for an answer to a question (typically via a search engine). This type of consumer behavior is now the norm- making it imperative for businesses that want to compete online to prioritize their Search Engine Optimization initiatives. Additionally, marketers must keep their website’s information architecture, usability, and pathways to purchase top of mind – optimizing for both desktop and mobile devices.

Marketers – ask yourself:

  • Is my business visible & findable to customers who are searching online for relevant information?
  • Can customers who arrive at my website quickly navigate to the information/answers they want?
  • Does my brand’s web & mobile experience conveniently address my target consumers’ desires and needs?

If you answered “No” to any of these questions, yet desire to remain competitive in this new era of instantaneous media consumption via mobile devices, than perhaps it is time to explore a website redesign & overhaul.

“[Consumers] are most attracted to brands that address their needs in the moment. Immediacy and relevancy now trump loyalty these days” – AdAge

There are a ton of implications and necessary action items for brands to optimize their digital experiences. Here is a brief recap how Google recommends that marketers prepare to convert customers that take digital action in a pathway to purchase:

  1. Identify all brand-relevant “I want to….” moments
  2. Ensure your brand is visible to consumers in these moments of need across all relevant digital channels
  3. Deliver relevant branded content that provides desired/valuable information and contains calls to action that drive prospects closer to purchase
  4. Ensure a “frictionless” purchase experience
  5. Utilize all relevant analytics platforms and tools to measure every moment that matters, and adjust where necessary

Ultimately, brands now must create cohesive digital strategies that make the decision to purchase their products/services the clear and easy choice for target consumers.

“Doing so (Capitalizing on Micro-Moments) will help businesses win the hearts and minds of connected customers in every moment of truth across every device. On the other hand, missing or ignoring these new moments means that brands will miss vital chances to connect.” – AdAge

Need help prioritizing your digital strategy? Contact SISDigital for a free consultation.  

Keep an eye out for more blog posts regarding Google Micro-Moment Marketing! 





About Ian Western

Ian joins SayItSocial with an arsenal of brand, sports, and digital marketing experience. He feverishly devours all kinds of media - digital or otherwise - which adds to his unique perspective on millenial marketing. When unplugging, Ian can be found blasting house music while riding atop some type of bike, board, or boat. LinkedIn

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