
Snapchat Just Changed the Advertising Game.

24 February 2016
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By now, you all know what Snapchat is and the immense advertising and marketing potential it offers companies that can utilize it properly. Just to refresh your memory: they’re running the social media game right now and their advertising model just changed so everyone can get involved.


There are 3 ways for your business to advertise on Snapchat: through sponsored ads, sponsored lenses, or through their newest addition, ON DEMAND GEOFILTERS.

Snapchat’s advertising models are all fairly new and have garnered the reputation of being pretty pricy and VERY exclusive – costing upwards of $450,000 a day to rack up 11 million views on week days using their sponsored lenses (or the branded filters you sometimes see while editing your snaps), and even more dough to run a sponsored video ad. Their newest ad model, on-demand Geofilters, is changing all of that.

On February 22nd, 2016, Snapchat announced on their blog that they would be creating On-Demand Geofilters to allow anyone to create and publish a Geofilter for parties, weddings, businesses or any other places or events. Check out the video below to learn a little more:

Pretty cool, right? Well here’s what’s even better. It can fit into your advertising budget.  You can buy On-Demand Geofilters for an event or even an entire block — for an hour or up to thirty days! Pricing starts at $5, and depends on a few factors including, among others, the size of your geofence and the time period you’ve chosen. So of course, we had to give it a try.

The day after the update was released, we submitted our Geofilter for approval. The entire process from designing the geofilter to getting it approved was incredibly simple and took about an hour to complete from start to finish. We decided to promote one of our local clients, The Forum, a local shopping community in Wilmington, but of course we had to be a little controversial. We chose to have our filter featured at one of our local competitors location.

We didn’t get a email reminding us that our filter would be up, but once we got to the competitor’s location we chose in the set up process, we were excited to see that it WORKED! We will let you guys know how in depth the metrics are for this feature in a following post. As of now it seems like you have to wait until your campaign ends to obtain the data. 

Awesome, right? So how can your business utilize these awesome and cost effective GeoFilters?

  • Events
  • Pre-Release Hype
  • Headquarters/ Office Locations
  • Product Release
  • To Push Incentives/Sales/Coupons
  • Promote their local business
  • To promote your business/product at competitors locations

All in all, this new feature is incredible. It raises awareness, generates buzz, is simple to create/get approved, and won’t break the bank. Win, Win, Win, WIN! We’re sure that in the following months Snapchat will be refining the process/rules/restrictions for using On-Demand Geofilters, but as of now, how do you plan on utilizing the new geofilters?



About Morgan Jones

Morgan is a graduate from the University of North Carolina Wilmington with a BA in Communication Studies and a minor in journalism. She brings to the table a vivacious spirit and unique creative energy that she uses in all things SayItSocial. When she isn't being an awesome Digital Account Executive, you can find her running the Wrightsville Beach loop with her dog Grizzly, out on the beach, or on her front porch reading her nook.

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