
How To – Google+ Animated Scrapbook Examples & Tips

30 January 2012

Google+ brand pages are slowly making a splash with big brands adoption. Obviously Google+ does not have the tools & applications it’s competitor Facebook has, but does have a cool feature to catch the eye of the visitor, animated scrapbook photos in the header. Until developers are allowed full access to Google+ API, one can only get creative not only with page content, but with animation.

Below are a few examples of killer creative Google+ pages, followed by tips on how to make animated gif Google+ scrapbook photos. If you know of a super creative Google+ brand or personal profile using animated gifs, please tell us about them, and post the link below!

Eric Cheng

By far one of the coolest personal pages we’ve seen, a moving SHARK!. Eric’s Google+ page.


Watch his scary video…(da da…da da.. da da da da da da da)



Awesome seasonal effect of snow falling. I wonder what they’ll do for Spring? Burberry Google+ page.


We are proud of our creative director Crystal, for creating a “Fun” hello animation in different languages since we are a global agency. SayItSocial Google+ page. (P.S. Please follow & circle us while you are at it:)

Jackson Tan

He uses stop animation in this fast moving scrapbook. If you stay on the page too long, could be too much, but at least you can circle him and move on! Jackson Tan Google+ page.

Dan J

You Star Wars buffs will LOVE this Google+ scrapbook. Dan J’s Google+ page.

Giles Pettipher

Live rock, guitars, drums and strobe lights take over with this killer animation from Giles. Giles Pettipher Google+ page. (He also has a killer “how to” post on Google+ below)

Google+ Tips And Tricks

Awesome 3D effect coming at you! They use amazing animation with killer perspective! Google+ Tips And Tricks Google+ page.

 How’d They Do That?

Now, how did all of these creative people make these? Below are a few helpful resources, and tips on how to make  Google+ animated gif scrapbook images.

Nick Allain’s how to video:


Jackson Tan’s how to video:


Giles Pettipher

Giles extensive Google+ post on how to create these. Giles Google+ post.

Please visit our page below, we’d love to connect with you on Google+ too!

About Ty Downing

Ty Downing is a social & digital media strategist, speaker, trainer, CEO of SISDigital. Please connect with Ty on... Ty Downing….and Google+.

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