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Google Launches “TV Screens Device Category”, Ad Streaming Wars Have Begun!

In typical Google fashion, the ad platform with the most market share is continuing to innovate. Last year was full of user-first innovation and experimentation by Google (i.e, the huge Google Adwords’ rebrand). The company introduced its new TV Screen Device Type, which connects to streaming devices, like Roku, Apple TV, Chromecast and Smart TVs, to do this you edit device bid adjustments for ad groups and campaigns.  According to Google, users watch over 180 million hours of YouTube videos on TV screen every day. In Google’s announcement, it cited research that stated consumers typically respond more positively to ads on TV, which generate a 47% higher ad recall and 35% higher purchasing intent. TV streaming ads aren’t exclusive to Google; AT&T and Hulu have had these ads for a while, and both companies are continuously innovating the streaming ad landscape.  AT&T and Hulu both plan to launch “pause ads” this year. These ads will run when users pause TV shows and movies on the platforms. Hulu also offers advertisers creative ad options, like interactive campaigns that promote user engagement by allowing them to take action (like purchasing event tickets) or select which ads they would most like to see.

4 Feb
social media marketing trends playbook

Marketing Trends and Strategies for 2019 – Free Marketing Playbook

It’s the year 2019 and marketers are sitting back wondering, “what will happen next?!” With algorithm changes, rebrands, layout tests, the attention span of GenZ, and so much more, we wanted to give our best predictions of the marketing trends and strategies for 2019. Insert SISDigital’s 2019 Digital Marketing Playbook! Our team put together a free digital book of the latest marketing trends and strategies to help you navigate through the digital jungle and start the new year off right! Below are some of the topics that we cover based on research and areas of expertise. Each section includes a blurb on how this strategy or trend might affect GenZ. Having this specific insight will benefit marketers working hard to grab the attention of generation “entertain me!”   CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING: Content Marketing in 2019 NEW SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES: Leveraging Social Media in 2019 MODERN ADVERTISING: Where to Put Ad Dollars in 2019 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE + MIXED REALITY IN 2019 BRANDING + PUBLIC RELATIONS: The Importance of Influencer Marketing in 2019 BREAKING THROUGH THE CLUTTER & NOISE: How to be Organized in 2019   Download your free copy today, and tag us on your social channels letting us know how you’re going to

29 Jan
instagram stories close friends

How Marketers and Influencers can use Instagram’s Close Friends feature to their advantage.

This past week, Instagram’s Close Friends feature for Insta stories rolled out. You may have noticed that extra button when posting your latest story, or you may have accidentally clicked it several times thinking it was the “Your Story” button like I did! This new update allows you to give exclusive viewership access to only those on your hand-selected list. Each close friends update appears right in line with the rest of your Instagram story, but only your close friends can see the stories you post specifically for their eyes only. At first glance I ignored it and went about my day, then much like Raven Baxter when she has a vision, my marketing light bulb went off and I started to realize the potential this new feature had for influencers, micro influencers, marketers, social media managers and beyond. To the everyday user, this might just seem like an attempt for a Snapchat crossover or a pointless addition to the platform, but I see this as an opportunity online community influencers and managers can surely take advantage of. via GIPHY Here are three creative ways to use Instagram’s Close Friends Feature   Influencer Communities = Instagram’s Close Friends list. Some

11 Dec
marketing trends 2019

3 ways to get better engagement and marketing ROI in 2019

‘Tis the season when marketers scramble to stay on top of the biggest trends to implement in the new year. With a digital marketing opportunity around every corner these days, it’s easy to get lost in all of the potential. Don’t let the new year preparation overwhelm you. No matter which marketing trend you intend to capitalize on, make sure you’re providing a memorable experience for your audience. The best way to provide that experience in 2019 is with immersive marketing. A large percentage of people make up their minds about brands based on digital interactions alone, and it’s becoming more important for brands to have less of a billboard mindset and be more experiential in order to stand-out from competitors. We’re seeing this across every industry. In real estate, 92% of homebuyers searched the internet before every speaking to an agent. Over 41% of home buyers found interactive online maps useful, and 40% also used virtual tours to interact with potential homes online. (…Read More) Like What You Are Reading? Subscribe To Read MoreJoin our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. SUBSCRIBE! You have Successfully Subscribed!

3 Dec

How to Create Limited Time Black Friday and Cyber Monday Google Ad Extensions

Just in time for the Holiday Shopping Season, Google Ads has launched limited time ad extensions for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  From now until December 15, 2018, advertisers will be able to share Black Friday and Cyber Monday promotions with Google searchers.   The ad extensions are triggered by “Black Friday” or “Cyber Monday” related searches. Pro tip: Use with a location extension to bring customers right to your Black Friday deals.   How to Set Up Black Friday and Cyber Monday Extensions To use this limited time feature, go to the Google Ads Dashboard and create a promotion extension.     Once you are there, select the occasion.  Boom!  You have a Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday ad extension that will show up directly on your ad upon a relevant Google Search.     Lastly, brace yourself for all of the customers you will get from utilizing this limited time feature on Google Ads. Like What You Are Reading? Subscribe To Read MoreJoin our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. SUBSCRIBE! You have Successfully Subscribed!

20 Nov
Google Plus

Google to Restructure Security Efforts after Google Plus Shuts Down

If you opened any form of social media or news platform on October 8th, you likely read “Google Plus shuts down” everywhere. Google ousted consumer access to the Google Plus platform and here’s what we uncovered. A bug in the API for Google+ had been allowing third-party app developers to access the data to all Google Plus members who granted permission, and even their friends who did not. This may sound oddly familiar because it’s almost the same set of circumstances that had Mark Zuckerberg in the US Congress hot seat a few months back. According to The Wall Street Journal, Google realized the similarities and decided not to disclose the breach in fear of damaging their reputation, and by now we’re sure they’re wishing they followed in Taylor Swift’s footsteps taking their BIG reputation in stride.   Shortly after the article was published, Google announced in a blog post the four main findings they uncovered during their internal API review, which they referred to as Project Strobe. The first finding leading to a company-wide decision to close the consumer access door to Google Plus for good, the other three enhancing what’s left of the Google suite as a whole.  

16 Oct
google update medic

What Google’s latest search engine algorithm update means for the future of marketing

Google released another “Global Broad Core” search algorithm update this month, and many search engine optimization specialists are not stoked about it.  The lack of SEO excitement comes from the mysterious nature of Google’s smaller search algorithm updates. Most updates aren’t the huge named algorithm fixes, like Pigeon and Penguin, etc (Hopefully, SEO nerds got my Penguin algo update pun in the last blog post).  In the big algorithm updates, it’s clear which components of the algorithm Google is fixing. For example, “Panda” reduced low-quality, written-for-the-sole-purpose-of-tricking-the-algorithm type content; “Penguin” targeted those sketchy, spammy back-linkers.  While these big updates have clearly identifiable purposes, the smaller updates aren’t usually as clearcut. Two other Broad Core Algo updates were released earlier this year in March and in April. This update has been coined by SEOs the “Medic Update.”  SearchEngineLand reported that recent ranking data shows that the update targeted medical and health niche sites, as well as “Your Money Your Life” sites, which are sites that solicit information or give advice on personal information about, well, money and your life.  The Search Engine Round Table concluded via a report that included over 300 sites seemingly impacted by the Medic Update that 42% were

13 Aug
Google Rebrands AdWords

5 Things Marketers Should Know about Google’s AdWords Rebrand

Unless you’ve been living under a rock in Antarctica (no offense to any penguin marketers out there…), you’ve heard that Google has retired its AdWords and DoubleClick brands. The rebrand comes long-overdue; AdWords launched in 2000, and a lot has changed since then. DoubleClick is even older having had its inception in 1996.  The rebranded versions will reflect today’s evolving approaches to advertising and ultimately make navigating the platforms easier for marketers.   Here’s what you should know about the Google Rebrand:   There will be three new Google brands Google AdWords will now be Google Ads.  DoubleClick products and Google Analytics 360 will be integrated as the Google Marketing Platform; other popular Google products like Data Studio and Tag Manager will also be a part of the new Google Marketing Platform brand.  DoubleClick for publishers and DoubleClick for advertisers will be combined into one platform called Google Ad Manager. There has ultimately been a lot of name changes and integration to better reflect where Google is and where it will be in the future.   Google is thinking about relevancy and innovation… as always The core of the products will be mostly the same.  Google deems the name changes as

1 Aug
Top 8 from Facebook F8 2018

The Top 8 From Facebook F8 2018

Coming off the heat of Zuckerberg’s time spent testifying in front of Congress due to a data breach, it was safe to say some major announcements and touches on safety, privacy, and Facebook’s overall mission would be a focal point at this years Facebook F8 Conference. In January Facebook announced a new post ranking change that better aligned with their mission to connect people with meaningful content and conversations and the idea of making those connections a priority shined through in every update announced. Here are the top 8 highlights you need to know from F8 2018:   Instagram Stories Sharing to Instagram via third-party apps such as GoPro and Spotify will soon be available. Loving the song you’re listening to? Share it in your Instagram story with the click of a button through third-party apps. Instagram went into further detail on their blog: Just tap the share button in the Spotify or GoPro app and your content is pulled directly into the Instagram camera. From there you can edit and add to your story or send it via Direct. You don’t have to connect your Instagram account to other apps in order to share to Stories. With more than 300 million daily users, Facebook see’s

9 May
Facebook Targeting Changes after 2018 scandal

What Facebook Advertisers need to know after 2018 Data Scandal

After Mark Zuck’s 2-day grilling with Congress last week, we’ve already seen some rapid changes to Facebook’s advertising platform that will likely have a significant impact on digital targeting, and the industry as a whole, in the near future. While the effects are still somewhat uncertain in the United States, you’ve probably already noticed some changes that may have you questioning the value of the platform going forward. The reality is that these changes in privacy and data standards will likely not be isolated to Facebook, but will change the expectations for how major tech/internet companies deal with consumer privacy across the globe. Here’s a rundown of what we know so far. Recent Amendments to Facebook Ad Manager Facebook has rolled back the level of detail previous available within the ad platform about target audiences, such as audience size and potential reach. Facebook recently announced that it will remove the ability to target by partner categories or consumer information from third-party companies like Acxiom, Experian, and Oracle Data Cloud. This will prohibit campaigns from using information about user buying behavior, life events, homeownership and income levels. What Is still the Same? While the recent changes may have you discouraged, remember that Facebook

16 Apr

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