
SISDigital Moves To The Cargo District Due To Expansion

27 March 2018
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If you didn’t already know, now ya know – We moved!

In August we said farewell to our old office and ventured off to downtown Wilmington. With nothing but the clothes on our backs, we endured the treacherous weather, rabid animals, and many other detrimental elements. Okay, not really. We moved to an exciting new developing area called The Cargo District to start an expansive new chapter, and here is what’s happening.

The new digs!

The Cargo District, located on 16th and Queen, was brought to the Wilmington community by owner and developer, Leslie Smith and owner of Craftspace Design, Bryan Kristof. Talk about a dynamic duo!

With our continued growth as an agency and the launch of our new 360, virtual reality product SkyNav, we needed more space to accommodate our team and creative needs. As one of the first pioneer companies to join The Cargo District alongside CoWorx, a coworking office, we were able to outfit our space from start to finish to make it our own. The office is vibrant, unique, and functional, making it a prime environment for our day to day needs. The additional square footage has allowed us to utilize our space for events, production needs, and it leaves ample room to expand our team as needed down the road.

Also with the move, we were able to add a post-production department area for the SkyNav team. We added top of the line VR equipment, and a high-power computing system to assist with the production of 360°, virtual reality and augmented reality assets. The addition of this equipment has given our team opportunities to experiment and bring projects to life in entirely different ways than before.  CW0052

SISDigital Bar

Photos courtesy of TJ Drechsel 

“We wanted an exciting change of scenery to inspire not only our staff but our clients, and our work with SkyNav. We also wanted to be part of an exciting expansion of creativity in Wilmington,” said our CEO Ty Downing, when interviewed by Port City Daily.

Along with each new project, our minds and skill sets are being pushed, and our team is performing at the top level. We have in-house specialists in SEO, PPC, demographic targeting, social media, 360 photography and more. Our team is more dynamic than ever before. Having space and the atmosphere to continue to develop competitive material is exactly what we needed to accompany our growth.

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Tune into our social channels to keep up with the latest! If you’re in need of our services, feel free to reach out to see what we can do for you.

Contact us:

Email: info@sisdigital.agency

Instagram: sis.agency // Facebook: SayItSocial  // Twitter: @SISDigital


About Meg Ahrenberg

Radford University & Quinnipiac University Graduate from Chesapeake, Virginia who ventured to The Port City upon completing her Master's degree. Lover of the beach, the outdoors, live tweeting, and a good Netflix binge. Sometimes you can find her singing around town, and she loves to stay involved in community events!

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