
Top 100 Global Brands 2012 – Apple, IBM and Google In Tops!

22 May 2012
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The latest BrandZ report for 2012 is out, and looks as if no real huge surprises as tech companies seem to continue to dominate. There were also some quite staggering stats in the report, here are a few of them.

  • Top 100 global brands reached $2.4 trillion
  • Brand value grew only marginally (due to economic & political issues which eroded consumer confidence)
  • Brand value increased 66% between 2006 and 2012 (based on first BrandZ report)
  • On a category-by-category basis six categories were up, six down (find out which ones in full report)
  • Technology & telecom brands accounted for 44% of top 100
  • Apple stayed #1 with a 19% gain
  • B2B giant IBM moved up one slot above Google to take #2 spot
  • Facebook moved up 16 spaces to #19, a 74% increase

To find out tons more data, download the entire report here. (PDF)

One interesting addition to this years report is the “Earned Buzz Index” in cooperation with the “FanZ index.” As you would expect, the brands with the fans within social media created more “Earned Buzz.”

The Top 10 “Earned Buzz” brands grew on average by 5 percent in value last year, while the bottom 10 declined 8 percent. Take a look at a chart from the report showing the impact of earned buzz.


Metail Is The New Retail: Brand owners and retailers face a new world

Perhaps the most interesting phrase out of this report came from Michael Ross, Co-founder and director at eCommera (Twitter) “Metail.” What exactly is this? According to Michael, it’s “a dramatic shift in retailing priorities. Location, location, location is giving way to customer, customer, customer.”

He is so correct. He goes on to say that brands and retailers have to adapt and learn from each other to succeed. This shift is creating a whole new type of merchant, the “Metailer”….love it! A mix of retailer, and brand owner.

Growth In China

There continues to be tremendous growth in Asian countries such as China, but as you see in this chart according to BrandZ, Africa has joined the list of fast growing market brands.

Now lets take a peek at the top 100 brands listed by BrandZ in a fun video here, as well as the report version below.

All charts and data source: BrandZ :  http://www.wpp.com/wpp/


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About Ty Downing

Ty Downing is a social & digital media strategist, speaker, trainer, CEO of SISDigital. Please connect with Ty on... Ty Downing….and Google+.

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