
Why You Should Be On Tumblr in 2014

29 April 2014
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Tumblr, much like Snapchat, is subject to debate whether the platform is a place for kids and gifs of cats, or whether it is a valid network to extend brands’ already fragmented marketing efforts. With over 100 million posts per day, the platform boasts roughly 350 million unique monthly visitors; the majority of whom are the elusive millennial audience which marketers lick their lips at the thought of getting their brand in front of.  Simply put, Tumblr can act as brands’ secret weapon to spread relevant and timely awareness.


Millennials – A Fragmented Consumption

Although this demographic’s media consumption may be considered anomalous today, it is an almost certainty to become the norm in the future. The digital-savvy and mobile-focused age group have become more aware of marketing noise which is forcing brands to halt shouting their slogans as loud as they can, and start creating useful and timely content to entice engagement in a very noisy digital world.




Fragmented, compared to differing age groups, Millennial media consumption extends a further reach across a multitude of predominant networks.

But how are marketers to take advantage?


1. Tumblr plays host to communities driven by the visual and playful cultural movement of .GIFs


2. Unlike ‘closed’ networks such as Facebook & Twitter, Tumblr sites are public and indexed by search engines. Brands can thus reach beyond its first-hand connections and reach an extended audience


3. The platform is becoming more and more relevant in reference to real-time shelf life. A study by UK-based social data intelligence, Pulsar, illustrated Tumblr’s Social TV activity too be greater over a longer period of time than Twitter.




“[People aren’t] coming to just check in” argues Lee Brown, Tumblr’s Global Head of Brand Partnerships, “They’re coming to dive deeper into the characters, create their own storylines, put text over static images and to create content with much longer shelf life.”


The blogging platform offers an attractive opportunity to build upon a well-rounded digital strategy; through relevant, valuable and indexed content. Whether your brand should be on Tumblr will be defined by the emerging behavior of the brand’s buyer persona which may soon encompass a majority of the Millennial population.

About Leon McLean

Leon McLean is a Project Manager and Trainer at SayItSocial, focusing on digital marketing strategy and project development as well as live, virtual and eLearning training initiatives. Please connect with Leon on... Google +

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