
28 February 2013
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Springer Case Study:

More than 7,000 employees , 25 countries worldwide

Springer is a leading global scientific digital content publisher, providing researchers in academia, scientific institutions and corporate R & D departments via innovative information products and services. Main offices are in Germany, Netherlands and the United States. Details about Springer Scientific Publishing:

1. 2,000+ journals, 7,000+ books published yearly

2. 55,000+ eBook Collection titles

3. 300+ open access journals - largest worldwide.

Springer views digital & social engagement with key influencers a trigger and driver to brand awareness.“Springer views social media as a way to Participate, Contribute, Initiate.”


Our goal was to train marketing and communications staff on how to understand, measure and leverage new digital technologies. As well as to improve on Springer’s global team coordination and synchronized engagement on social channels with clear “rules of engagement” social guideline adherence, crisis management protocol and a proactive advocacy strategy.


[Virtual] Corporate headquarters - Heidelberg, DE & New York, New York, US

Through the discovery phase, strategic concepts were shaped into a social media training outline, and draft curriculum. With corporate wide interest, we suggested a 20 point survey to be sent out to determine skill, placement, and which global training facilities to use. Discovery also alerted us to sensitive cross-cultural behaviors, Springer culture as well as native social networks to integrate into the training.

Strategy & Concept

Based on discovery, 3 one-day courses were designed to impact 3 global locations, to educate and build social media skills, effective engagement and measuring techniques via interactive hands-on training and brainstorming. The overall structure was composed of:

Placement of students based on survey results with statistical value of social knowledge 3 one-day workshops, 8 hours each in length. 11-part training program3 designated Q&A parts Several interactive exercises


 [Course Creation] During course development, priority was given to Springer’s brand guidelines, executive input and strict adherence to their social media policies. SayItSocial lead instructor’s created a mix of modern, interactive and multimedia heavy mini courses, using over 15 videos for impact and attentiveness of students. Agendas, survey results, brand and competitive social analysis were also integrated into the overall training and included in the printed workbooks each student received.


3 one-day, on-site social media training workshops took place in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Heidelberg, Germany and New York, NY were implemented over a 2 month period, with a pilot training held in the New York offices.

Results After Training

70 Springer employees trained and educated on social strategies, engagement practices and synchronizing digital marketing efforts on a global scale.

This training was such a success, SayItSocial was asked to come back for another one-day intensive advanced training on Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn and Twitter with a strict focus on marketing and using social media for commerce and conversions. We continue to have on-going training, and monthly social media assessment reporting with Springer

“Their knowledge is advanced. I have been preparing a one day full training with SayItSocial and what I found to be at a high level is the in-depth preparation, in particular the strong will to get to know our organization and its processes to enable delivering a tailor-made recommendations overview, and effective social media training.Rob