SIS Marketing Tool FAQ

What Social Media services do you support?


Services in this category are for posting updates, photos, link sharing, location-based services and social media messaging. Services include Bebo, Brightkite, Facebook, Buzz, Twitter, Foursquare etc.

See Social for more information.


Streams allows you to read and respond to posts from various streams e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

See Streams for more information.


This category allows you to update your blogs directly from Social Management Suite.

See Blogs for more information.


Monitor what’s being said about your brand on blogs, microblogs, social networks and in comments.

See Monitoring for more information.


RSS Auto Poster allows you to automatically post to your social networks and contacts.

See RSS for more information.


Social Management Suite allows you to import your email contacts from services like Gmail, Hotmail, AOL and Yahoo Mail.

See Email for more information.


Social Management Suite allows you to build and pre-schedule automated SMS texts. This can be useful for birthdays and other events.

See SMS for more information.


Bulk allows you to import your contacts from CSV files. This is useful when importing a large number of contacts.

See Bulk for more information.


Twitter Auto Follower allows you to automatically follow people on Twitter. The Auto Follower allows you to extend your fan base and follow people with common interests.

See Other for more information.

Can I change ‘Via SayItSocial’ to ‘Via My Company’ for Facebook posts?

Yes. If you’d like to replace “via SayItSocial” with your own company name when posting to Facebook, we can set up a custom Facebook application for you. You will need to send us your company logo, a short description about your company and your company website url. If you haven’t upgraded to our top account, there will be a one-off charge to have this set up.

To apply for this, drop us an email at (support at

Do recurring messages count towards my messaging limit?

Yes. Each message that is sent counts as a credit. So, if you send a status update to Twitter and Facebook every hour for 24 hours, your message credits will be reduced by 48 at the end of the 24 hour period.

My Facebook posts are not going through. What must I do?

If your Facebook messages are failing, we recommend deleting the account from Add/Edit Services and recreating it. When you set up the account in Social Management Suite, you need to make sure Facebook prompts you for Extended Permissions so that your account can be updated even when you’re offline.

My Tweets are not going through to Twitter. What must I do?

Make sure your Twitter account settings are correct in Social Management Suite. If you’ve recently changed your Twitter password, you’ll also have to update this in Social Management Suite. Twitter has clamped down on recurring tweets and will ignore tweets that are constantly repeated. Twitter also has posting limits, so be sure you haven’t exceeded this limit for the day.

How can I send out a bulk email campaign when I run out of message credits?

If you ever run out of message credits, you can either upgrade your account or you can purchase a bundle of Social Management Suite Tokens. Tokens can be used as message credits when your standard credits run out.

My messages aren’t going out immediately or at the scheduled time. What must I do?

Make sure your time zone is set correctly in My Profile. After updating your timezone, be sure to uncheck Automatically detect timezone.

Does Social Management Suite allow me to receive MMS messages?

We don’t support sending of native MMS, but you can attach images/files to your SMS texts and they’ll converted to short URLs.

How do I upload images to a newsletter?

You can upload an image using the Photo or File button. Once it’s uploaded, click the embed icon on the image to embed the image in your email.

How do I replace an image in a newsletter?

To replace an image, the easiest way is as follows:
1. Click Photo or File and upload an image from your computer.
2. Once the image has been uploaded, click the Embed icon at the top right of the image.
3. This will embed the image in your email.
4. You should then be able to drag the image into place.

Can I post a blog update to Facebook?

Yes. You do this by adding the Facebook Page Note service from Add/Edit Services. This allows you to post rich HTML to a Facebook Fan Page. You would then setup your blog to automatically syndicate new posts to a Social Management Suite group that contains this service.

My Facebook posts have stopped posting. How do I fix this?

1. Open up Add/Edit Services and select the My Services tab.

2. Edit each Facebook Page that is posting incorrectly.

3. On the settings screen, click Switch Facebook User and reconnect your Facebook account to Social Management Suite.

4. Save your settings.

Why does my Inbox have green and red dots?

Social Management Suite will indicate to you whether a post that appears in your Inbox is a positive or negative sentiment.

A positive sentiment is indicated by a green dot.

A negative sentiment is indicated by a red dot.

A neutral sentiment is indicated by a grey dot.

What is a Facebook Wall Post?

A Facebook Post allows you to post a single update to Facebook. This appears in all your friends’ newsfeeds.

What does the yellow star mean?

In My Reports, you will see a yellow star on some of your messages. This means that your message has achieved above average engagement score.

What is the number of services I could add to my account with Pay-As-You-Go Pricing?

We recommend upgrading to a monthly plan, such as the Solo plan. If you’re on Pay-as-you-go, you can only add 4 services to your account. See Upgrading for more information.

I can’t post to Facebook fan page, it keeps getting bounced.

This means that the session key used by Social Management Suite to post to Facebook has become invalid. This usually happens if your Facebook password has changed or you’ve edited your privacy settings.

You’ll need to reconnect your Facebook account to Social Management Suite. You can do this by following the steps below:

1. Go to Add/Edit Services
2. Select My Services
3. Edit the Facebook account that failed.
4. Click Switch Facebook User and reconnect your account to Facebook.
5. Save your settings.

Why are Bulk Facebook Wall Posts only reaching about 20 contacts?

Facebook has a limit for the number of wall posts you can send in a 24 hour period. Once this limit has been reached, Facebook will block your account from posting updates until the next 24 hour period. This is why only 20 people got the post.

To get around this, we suggest splitting up your 200 Facebook contacts into 10 groups of 20 and schedule posts 1 day apart.

Why are my posts being sent early?

By default, Social Management Suite automatically detects your timezone when you sign in. It takes this information from your browser. If you signed in from a different timezone, then all the posts you schedule from that time on, will be in the new timezone which may be why your posts are sending at the wrong time.

To fix this, please go into My Profile and under Time Settings, select the correct timezone. Also, be sure to uncheck Automatically detect timezone so that this doesn’t happen again.

What are the image sizes for newsletter template #9?

The large image is 600px x 300px and the smaller ones are 124px x 91px.

If I send a group email to 1,000 people does is count as 1 message credit or 1,000?

An email to a group containing 1,000 people counts as 1,000 message credits.

What’s the best plan for a freelance Social Media marketer?

We have 2 options:
Option 1:
You could go with a Business or Enterprise account. The Business account allows you to have up to 4 clients initially and the Enterprise account allows 8. You can always add more clients as you bring them on. Your clients can log into Social Management Suite and manage things themselves or you can manage things for them. See My Account for more information.

How do I add a post to WordPress?

1. Go to Add/Edit Services and find WordPress under Blogs.

2. Click Add.

3. Enter your settings for WordPress, this can be seen in the example below.

4. Select Save Settings

5. Go to the Message Box and toggle WordPress.

6. Type your blog post in the box. In this example a template was used, for more information on how to use a template, see Templates.

7. Once your blog post is complete, select Send if you are ready to send, Save Draft if you would like to resume working on the post at a later stage, Save Template if you would like to save your post as a template or Discard if you no longer wish to send your post.

Having problems?

To ensure you can post to your self-hosted WordPress blog, you need to ensure that XML RPC is enabled. To enable XML-RPC, see this post:

How do I add a post to Blogspot?

1. Go to Add/Edit Services and find Blogspot under Blogs.

2. Click Add.

3. Enter your settings for Blogspot, this can be seen in the example below.

4. Select Save Settings

5. Go to the Message Box and toggle Blogspot.

6. Type your blog post in the box. In this example a template was used, for more information on how to use a template, see Templates.

7. Once your blog post is complete, select Send if you are ready to send, Save Draft if you would like to resume working on the post at a later stage, Save Template if you would like to save your post as a template or Discard if you no longer wish to send your post.

Having problems?

  • Sign into your Blogspot account at
  • Edit the settings for the particular blog that’s failing.
  • Click Site Feed and make sure that the “Post Feed Redirect URL” is empty. If this is set to point to Feedburner, then you will need to remove this setting to be able to post from third party applications like Social Management Suite.
  • Save Settings.
  • Try posting again from Social Management Suite. You can repost the failed item from within the Bounced tab in the Message Box.

How do I import phone numbers into Social Management Suite for text messaging?

1. Go to Add/Edit Services.
2. Under the Bulk tab, select CSV Importer.
3. Download our sample CSV file from and add your contacts and their phone numbers. Be sure to include your contacts’ country code when adding cellphone numbers.
4. Select or create a group to store your contacts.
5. Select SMS for contact preferences.
6. Click Save Settings and Social Management Suite will import all your contacts from the CSV file into that group.

Getting an error on Twitter: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden

Usually this error is because Twitter doesn’t allow the same tweet to be posted within a 24 hour period. If this is not the case, email.

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