Social Media Measurement and Analytics

Social Media Measurement and Analytics


A basic understanding of business metrics.

To explain the analytic process and how to use crowd sourcing, social data for competitive advantage, and competitive research.

8 hours (2 days on-site or 6 weeks Virtual)

Course Outline:

Social Media Analytics Overview 

1. The value of Social Media measurement
2. The challenges of Social Media measurement
3. The analytic process
4. Understanding sentiment

Social Analytics Process and Model 

5. The levels of social media intelligence
6. Level1: Standard reports
7. Level 2: Ad hoc reports
8. Level 3: Query / drilldown reports
9. Level 4: Social Alerts
10. Level 5: Statistical Analysis
11. Level 6: Social Forecasting
12. Level 7: Predictive Modeling
13. Level 8: Social Optimization

Social Analytics Framework

14. Brand Health Metrics
15. Marketing Optimization Metrics
16. Revenue Generation Metrics
17. Operational Efficiency Metrics
18. Customer Experience Metrics
19. Innovation Metrics

Social Data Reporting 

20. Selecting a Social Data Platform
21. Integrating Social and Business Data
22. Creating a Social Media Dashboard


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