Social Customer Service

Social Customer Service

Requirements: Entry level social media understanding, basic understanding of customer service.
Objectives: This course is designed to equip customer service representatives and social teams with the fundamental knowledge & advantageous practices required to deepen the level of customer engagement.
Duration: 8 hours (2 days on-site or 6 weeks Virtual)
Course Outline: Social Customer Service Training Overview
  1. Social Service and the use of multiple channels
  2. Social service customer experience
  3. Applying monitoring & listening methodologies to social service communications
  4. Examination of Case Studies of Social Customer Service
  5. Role of Contact Center
  6. “Safe harbor” guidelines pertaining to FTC, FDA, FINRA, & SEC Regulations Escalation & Crisis response
    • Triage Planning
    • Escalation Procedures
    • Social Media crisis command center
    • Case Studies
  1. Social Business Fire Drills
  2. Departmental work flow
  3. Humanizing the social customer experience
  4. Measuring the value of Social Customer Service brings to the customer

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