
Can You Calculate The Advertising Effectiveness of Facebook Pages?

5 September 2010
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redbox Facebook Fan PageThe talk around social media often revolves around ROI and how it is impossible to track or monitor.  While I was not around when advertising agencies first started using impressions as a way to determine ad value I do know that the same belief holds true… if they see it they will talk about it and if they talk about it they will buy it.  Based on that model I wanted to take a look at Facebook Pages and determine if in fact one could really calculate the advertising effectiveness of Facebook Pages.

In this case study I am only looking at Facebook Pages, not Facebook Advertising.  I am operating under the premise that the businesses I review on Facebook are in fact using their Pages as an advertisement. By in fact having a presence on Facebook these companies are receiving impressions and therefore can put a value on their page based on the number of Facebook Users who Like their page and interact on it similar to values placed on CPI (cost per impression) that online marketers use and can then determine the ROI of this platform of social media.

This 3 part case study will analyze 3 different businesses Pages: Bijuju a regional chain of costume jewelry and accessories with 2,279 likes, Bethenny Frankel a celebrity business woman, chef and author with 370,581 likes, and redbox a DVD and video game rental kiosk with 1,398,395 likes.

The first company to be examined is the small retail chain Bijuju.  Bijuju was founded in 2004 and has expanded its retail business to 7 stores with locations in Myrtle Beach, and Charleston, SC and Wilmington and Raleigh, NC.  The website is an ecommerce website that sells a variety of fashion jewelry and accessories. The Bijuju Facebook Page has 2,279 users liking the page.

The Sell:

  • Branding: Bijuju has the vanity url: www.facebook.com/Bijuju
  • Bijuju has a Welcome! Tab.  This is the first prompt for users to “like” the page as seen in this screenshot.
  • Bijuju’s wall setting is on Bijuju + Others allowing users to directly post pictures, videos and links directly to the wall.
  • Merchandise on the Move:
    • Pictures are posted with the SKU and the cost of the item.
    • Links directly to individual items in their ecommerce store.  The Thumbnail feature of Facebook allows for the product image to be displayed while making it very easy for the consumer “Add to My Bag,” and check out.
    • Store events are promoted in status updates and events


Bijuju is efficiently using Facebook as a daily advertisement to market their products to the 2,279 users liking the page.  Fashion changes every day and Bijuju is capitalizing on their vast merchandise by highlighting multiple categories of items from handbags to necklaces.  While they only have 2,279 users the conversation from Likers is extremely positive and Bijuju is quick to respond to questions and posts.  For a small company like Bijuju using Facebook to market to online shoppers helps bring their regional brand a national audience.

About Ty Downing

Ty Downing is a social & digital media strategist, speaker, trainer, CEO of SISDigital. Please connect with Ty on... Ty Downing….and Google+.

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