
It’s Official…We Are Google Analytics Certified!

1 March 2011
1 Comment

We are extremely happy to announce that SayItSocial and our sister company Perspective Internet Marketing are now Google Analytics Certified. We have had past employees study and take this rigorous test, and have failed miserably, but we are glad to see our very own Heather Hurley (Account Executive) not only pass the test, but pass with an astonishing 94%! This means she missed only about 1-2 questions out of 70…

What Does A Google Analytics Certification Mean?

  • It means we have studied an online course put out by Google.
  • We know “better” how to study & interpret reports to help serve our clients.
  • We know what should be reported on.
  • How to use advanced features of GA to help with conversions.
  • Use intelligent features to track social media ROI.
  • It means we passed an extremely difficult 70 question test.
  • And much more…

Congratulations Heather! Everyone please hit her up on Facebook to give her a virtual high five! Take a look at the certificate below…

About Ty Downing

Ty Downing is a social & digital media strategist, speaker, trainer, CEO of SISDigital. Please connect with Ty on... Ty Downing….and Google+.

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