
"Epic" Battle – Facebook Takes On Groupon

26 April 2011
1 Comment

Facebook Takes On GrouponWhy do you think half the people in our field are on meds? Because of this stuff. My background and expertise has been SEO, and for several years it’s been enough for me and my team to figure out over 400 changes to Google’s algorithm each year, but sheesh, social media changes are brutal. Seems every day something changes, such as Mashable reporting that we finally have some screenshots of the new “Groupon” like product from Facebook. (courtesy of Mashable)

I am a little iffy on this product from Facebook personally. I mean Facebook Places (Check-in) really took the wind out of competitors like Foursquare, Gowalla and Yelp, but I just don’t see Facebook “Deals” overtaking Groupon’s strangle hold..You??

Well, so far here is what we know Facebook Deals is, and is not:

  • Only launching in 5 cities (I doubt it’s my city)
  • Users who opt into Deals will see opportunities specific to their geo locations.
  • These ARE NOT check-in deals like mobile deals.
  • Offers will arrive via email or perhaps appear in the user’s news feed on Facebook.
  • Each Deal has it’s own landing page on Facebook. (Woo Hoo! Another page we have to maintain and claim!!.)
  • Users can “Like” a deal, share it via several channels on the site, or opt to buy it right away.
  • If you purchase the Deal, you can even use Facebook credits, or your credit card….Hmm…you should see more of these FB credit cards popping up.

Ok, so my jury is out, this could be an epic #fail for Facebook, or yet another stroke of genious by Zuck…

What do you think? Leave your comments below!


About Ty Downing

Ty Downing is a social & digital media strategist, speaker, trainer, CEO of SISDigital. Please connect with Ty on... Ty Downing….and Google+.

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