
The Importance of Social Media Training

10 May 2012
[GUEST POST by Katherine Gaskins]

We keep thinking of social media training as one little part of human resources or marketing, when, in fact, it’s a C-level function that informs every level of how we manage & maximize our profits. .

The question is, are we making money or not?

The data collected from our social media channels is the raw inventory of measures we use to calculate our worth & viability.

Atkinson & Court argued 14 years ago that corporate valuation is increasingly related to intangible assets, such as employee talent & knowledge, & that a greater share of tangible capital is based on intangible inputs. They suggested that this trend is demonstrated by the fact that the economic output of the US economy, as measured in tons, is roughly equivalent to a century ago, yet its real economic value is 20 times greater today.

Social media is one of the engines through which these intangibles are produced. . Training is another. .

At Say It Social, we believe in management by objectives.  And, we believe that training is a “relationship”, an ongoing process of honing skills through sharing knowledge & repeated testing ’til the mind instantly recognizes & produces superior response. This is how you build intelligence in your people & develop your voice. A corporate voice is so distinctive not because it is a writing “style” but because employees have bought into the values & beliefs of the organization & are trained expertly in their respective systems of knowledge, so that the emotional tone of relayed insight rings in a consistent style to the reader’s inner ear. This is how you build business.

Monitoring, analyzing & integrating the intelligence we draw from social media impacts on every level of the company, from human resources & employee rights & infringements and legal trademark issues & federal regulatory compliance to finance, marketing, customer service, IT, new product development…

Corporate social media training is not just teaching an optimal position to place links in our tweets so that we maximize the number of click-throughs; it’s the transfer & honing of knowledge management skills. Listening to external & community signals, training for cultural competence, exception-based alerting, online reputation management: It is an investment in your relationship capital. And, today, no matter what your business, relationship is what it’s all about.

Training is the sieve through which big data insights filter down through our intelligence & inform our voice. The trained voice is what we want to inform our thought & what we want our customers & clients to hear.

About Ty Downing

Ty Downing is a social & digital media strategist, speaker, trainer, CEO of SISDigital. Please connect with Ty on... Ty Downing….and Google+.

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