
Pinning a Promoted Tweet

20 June 2013
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I remember back in the early days of Twitter when there was nary an advertisement to be found. Once the popularity of the site exploded, there was always a whispering among skeptics: “How will they make money?” and “Everyone will quit once they start selling ads!”

Today, promoted Tweets and trends are as much a part of the Twitter experience as the character limit and hashtags. And no one really seems to mind, especially marketers who now have the option of getting their message in front of way more people than just their own followers.

Using Twitter and various social media platforms to do inbound marketing and to promote your brand at this point is the bare minimum. It’s also an equalizing force in many ways because these sites are completely free. But when you have the budget to use Twitter advertising, you can tip the scales in your favor.

When you purchase a promoted Tweet, you get to choose who will see it and for how long. Your ad will show up in timelines of a certain segment of users that you’ve defined as your target market and will drive them to click, reply, follow, or even visit your website, depending on your ultimate marketing goals.

But there is another element to promoted tweets as well and that involves pinning. No, this isn’t related to the recipe and craft sharing juggernaut that is Pinterest. Pinning a promoted tweet is done right from Twitter.

By pinning a Tweet, it will always appear at the top of your timeline when someone visits your profile. For example, here @BestBuy is using the pinning function to leave the video for their commercial tacked to the top of their profile while below they are continuing to tweet regularly.

BestBuy promoted Tweet

The pinned tweet function also gives them the option to show the entire video along with a caption.

Having a commercial like this, or any other video, is a great reason to use the pinned tweet function because it makes it much more likely that visitors to your profile will feel compelled to click and watch.

Pinning tweets can also be effective when your ultimate goal is to drive visitors to your external page or indeed when you want to do anything that takes place off of Twitter. Pinned tweets come at a premium and therefore cannot be reasonable used all the time. However, using the feature in a calculated way can make your Twitter promotions more effective overall.

Be sure to check out our other posts on Twitter advertising to get the whole picture.


About Gillian Singletary

Gillian is a Copywriter and Social Media Professional based out of Los Angeles.

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