
3 Social Influencers You Should Get To Know

12 November 2013


Since its burst onto the scene as a marketing must, social media is an overwhelmingly noisy place for anyone to be. Being told to follow this person, that company and to circle back all of your followers, any meaningful message is likely to get drowned out of your Twitter, Facebook and Google+ newsfeeds. One could bypass this altogether by using social tools like HooteSuite and Tweetdeck in order to only keep your eyes on those who you should be following in your industry. Unlike a lot of blogs, articles and videos, this post isn’t telling you to follow these people, but simply illustrating how SayItSocial stays on top of innovative changes within the social business industry by being sure to follow these top 3 thought leaders and influencers in our industry – Oh yea, and if you’re interested in doing similar, why not follow them as well!


Sandy Carter


A best-selling author, one of the “ten most powerful women in tech” (CNN Magazine) and “Top 10 in Social Media” (Altimeter Group), Sandy is the General Manager of IBM Ecosystems and Social Business Evangelism with an important voice is our industry. The IBM executive publishes weekly ‘social coffee breaks’ on YouTube, which give an insight into how she helps innovate hundreds of companies around the globe transform their social business models. Appearing on SayItSocial’s live webinar series in August, Sandy provided great insight as to the latest important trend in Social Business which we expect to see a lot more of: Socialytics


Gary Vaynerchuk

gary-vayerchukAn overly enthusiastic character who doesn’t shy away from any curse word in the English language, Vaynerchuk has been championing social strategy on a personable level since the beginning. After turning his $3 Million wine business into an online $45 Million social behemoth, Gary has written several bestselling books including Thank You Economy, his yet to be released Jab Jab Jab, Right Hook and continues to act as CEO for his company VaynerMedia. Every day he makes an effort to connect to everyone who reaches out to him on all channels, including tweeting out ‘how can I help you today?’ to his one million followers. Click here to see when Gary Vaynerchuk talked to SayItSocial


Michael Brito

Michael BritoA social strategist who has worked with the likes of Yahoo, Intel and HP, Brito has written two books, Smart Business Social Business & Your Brand: The next media company, which are cornerstone reads in the world of Social Strategy. The best-selling author illustrates that becoming a Social Business is an internal cultural shift rather than simply having a presence on Twitter or Facebook. A former VP at Edelman Digital, Brito provides great daily insights into different organizational models, which help social brands transform themselves to fully collaborative social business. Click here to see his webinar with SayItSocial Live

About Leon McLean

Leon McLean is a Project Manager and Trainer at SayItSocial, focusing on digital marketing strategy and project development as well as live, virtual and eLearning training initiatives. Please connect with Leon on... Google +

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