
Say Hello To The Future of Google+

9 December 2013
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Google+ announced it will be rolling out social advertising, just not on its social platform.

The ads themselves, called +Posts, will run on Google Display Network, which encompasses over 2 million websites. They will look like Google+ posts but will exclusively appear outside of the network. One detail which will be a breath of fresh air is that these ads will be subject-specific; meaning a +post from Toyota will appear on sites such as AutoTrader.com

Eran Arkin, product manager at Google, announced Toyota USA, Ritz Crackers and Cadbury UK will be the initial ad unit testers, however more advertisers are planned to be added to the mix next month. The idea behind this initiative is to catalyze engagement between both brand and consumer, as seen in the Toyota video below.


According to Arkin, “Consumers can reshare a video, leave a comment or question for the brand or even join a live hangout.”

Despite the introduction of these ads, Google+ itself will remain ad-free.

How effective do you believe this will prove to be in enticing inactive users to engage on Google+?


About Leon McLean

Leon McLean is a Project Manager and Trainer at SayItSocial, focusing on digital marketing strategy and project development as well as live, virtual and eLearning training initiatives. Please connect with Leon on... Google +

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