
Shhhh, I’m going to tell you a Secret…

2 May 2014
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…along with the rest of the world. The Secret app is addictive. Have you ever heard of Secret.ly? It was recently in the news because a week before Vic Gundotra, the mastermind behind the Google+ platform, abruptly left Google behind, a post was made on Secret and it read,“Vic Gundotra is interviewing.”

 This made me curious and I couldn’t wait to check it out!

What did I find? Think ‘anonymous Twitter’ with a visual twist. The user interface is fantastic. When I first downloaded it, I immediately fell in love with the simplicity, as well as the anonymity. I grew up chatting in anonymous chat rooms (does anyone remember eXcite?!) and using such applications as ICQ and AOL Messenger, so this intrigued me. In order to unlock all Secret’s features, however, it’ll ask you to invite your friends. Don’t panic, they’ll join the app and see that a secret is from “a friend”, but they’ll never know which one (*three friends have to join before you can even SEE their secrets, and those will be mixed in with posts from all over the world). I’ve only been using the app for a few days and I’m with you if that last sentence makes you leery. However, in a social world where everyone is sharing everything – openly – it’s refreshing to be able to share your thoughts anonymously. Also, unlike other social platforms, you’re not going to be targeted for marketing on anonymous apps because they don’t obtain any personal information about you. Curious yet?

Here’s a {secret} peek at the Secret App:




 While in the app, you’ll be able to ‘love’ a secret, comment or share it – even subscribe to someone else’s posts.




What kind of secrets will YOU find when you finally take the plunge? Some will be heartbreaking, others will be funny. Why don’t you see for yourself and let us know what you think in the comments below!

About Kristin Walker

Kristin is an Account Executive at SISDigital with extensive experience in social media marketing and online community management. Connect with Kristin on Twitter

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