
Wilmington’s Top 10 Tweeters

18 September 2014
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For this week’s blog post, we set out to determine some of the largest twitter influencers in our local paradise of Wilmington, North Carolina. Given that each twitter account has a different purpose, target market, and content strategy, setting a baseline from which to pass judgment upon Wilmington’s digital socialites proved to be a major challenge. After prowling through various social media influence analyzers (Klout, Socialbro, Twittalyzer, and Topsy to name a few), it soon became apparent that we would need to come up with our own definition of “influential” for Wilmington twitter users. We thus came up with the following list of account attributes we consider necessary for effective influence over twitter:


–          Wilmington NC, or #ILM listed in the twitter account’s location

–          Minimum of 4 posts per week

–          Consistent Engagement – retweets, favorites, and replies

–          Mentions and/or replies to both branded and personal accounts

–          #Hashtag Usage

–          Timely Content Publication that is relevant to target market & Wilmington Community

–          Creativity and Diversity of Content


One attribute that is noticeably absent from our list of criteria is total follower count. Although broadcasting to a large audience is important and a high follower number may increase your social credibility, the fact remains that twitter is rampant with fake profiles and inactive users. In fact, NBC reported last fall that nearly 1 in 10 twitter accounts are fake or automated. A simple test on TwitterAudit – a tool that analyzes a random sample of followers for any twitter handle – can give an estimate of how many fake followers a profile has.

Instead of merely boosting their follower counts, brands and personalities that want to increase their online influence should focus on generating and maintaining a genuinely engaged community of brand advocates. We think these profiles do an awesome job of doing just that – check out their tweets/give them a follow and let us know what you think!


1. @DerekBrunsonMMA


A local celebrity – MMA Fighter Derek Brunson showcases his personality through tweets surrounding inspiration, pop culture, his athletic lifestyle, personal life, and humor. He consistently engages a large following of (real!) fans that appreciate his ego and interests.


2. @DogLiving

Ok maybe I’m a biased dog lover, and while I don’t agree with all of Dog Living Magazine’s post strategies, the content that they post is undeniably perfect for their target audience and has turned me into the guy that laughs hysterically at his desk.  They know what dog lovers want to see online, and they give it to them!


3. @SayHop


Prior to this project, I had never heard of Sara Hopkins. It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with her over twitter.  Ms. Hopkins is a gorgeous news reporter that consistently posts content that never fails to entertain or showcase her shining sense of humor and creativity. #Outofmyleague


4. @CityofWilm

The City of Wilmington really impressed me with their variety of local content- politics, philanthropies, concerts, sporting events – if it’s relevant to Wilmington, chances are this profile will tweet about it.


5. @UNCWilmington

UNCW successfully broadcasts university news relevant to students, faculty, and alumni. The profile also makes sure to stay relevant and serves as a causal advocate for those in its community.

6. @NextGlass



NextGlass understands its target market of beer and wine connoisseurs and their twitter keeps followers up to date with the company’s involvement in Wilmington’s startup and specialty booze communities.




7. @officialjumanji 


This EDM mashup DJ does an excellent job engaging both followers with a personal twist that effectively promotes his shows, online music, and fellow artists. His graphic story telling is also on point – don’t these photos give you FOMO?


 8. @TomRoyce

This Real Estate blogger delivers a powerful combination of professional and personal content to his followers and generously promotes a variety of local businesses – thanks Tom!


9. @whiskeyhoney

This Country band does an excellent job of throwing their twitter followers right into the band’s experience as they tour, record, and monkey around- successfully deepening their connection to fans with content that reveals the personalities and lifestyles of its members.


10. @Cucalorus


So there you have it Wilmington – your top 10 tweeters as told by SayItSocial. Is there someone that you believe was left off of this list? Give a shout in the comments below! 

About Ian Western

Ian joins SayItSocial with an arsenal of brand, sports, and digital marketing experience. He feverishly devours all kinds of media - digital or otherwise - which adds to his unique perspective on millenial marketing. When unplugging, Ian can be found blasting house music while riding atop some type of bike, board, or boat. LinkedIn

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