
VR Is Changing Destination Marketing

22 May 2017
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No Longer Book Blindly

The VR wave is here in many forms and it’s not just for the tech-savvy.  In fact, consumer interest in VR is at an all time high, sitting at 74 percent. VR is officially a marketing tool now and technology continues to provide us with a vast array of applications and online tools so businesses can continue to boost their marketing presence.

Crackle just announced their most recent VR aspirations which include brand advertisement, 360-degree video commercials, and even a virtual theater. VR has changed the way we view images, video, and interactive gaming, and now we will be able to experience VR while doing an activity most of us do daily, watching television, with the introduction of VR commercials.

The marketing experience is in the hands of the user – they choose what they see and how they see it. Storytelling is no longer frame-by-frame – VR can transport the user to a different place all while keeping them engaged in the experience. Online distributors like Crackle will be one of the first places consumers can experience VR marketing but its uses expand beyond commercials.

Entering into the VR world is SISDigital’s newest product, SkyNav, an immersive 360 sky to ground virtual experience marketing tool. The best part? No downloadable app required. SkyNav is WebVR based, it works instantly straight off the web on your phone, tablet, computer, and even in VR mode using Google cardboard and other VR goggles. The end product allows the user to experience a series of multiple aerial and 360-degree ground level high-quality imageries, stitched together to create a fully immersive environment making the user feel as if they are there.

SkyNav’s latest tour created forWilmington Visitor’s Bureau has made it easy and fun for potential visitors to scope out popular attractions, beaches, and historical sights around Wilmington. To date, people have spent an average of 15 minutes looking at the tour – need I say more? Most destination websites give vague descriptions – you truly never knew what you were getting.

Source: Giphy.com

Source: Giphy.com

With SkyNav – what you see is EXACTLY what you get – and again, no app needed.

Check out SkyNav’s latest tour here:Wilmington, NC SkyNav Tour

About Meg Ahrenberg

Radford University & Quinnipiac University Graduate from Chesapeake, Virginia who ventured to The Port City upon completing her Master's degree. Lover of the beach, the outdoors, live tweeting, and a good Netflix binge. Sometimes you can find her singing around town, and she loves to stay involved in community events!

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