
Can’t Be at The Olympics in Rio? Here’s The Next Best Thing!

1 August 2016
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Next week, the torch will be lit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the 2016 olympics! Today, Google announced that they’re utilizing all of their tools/products to bring all the moments you don’t want to miss right to your finger tips! Among them:

  • Discover the event schedule, medal counts, and athlete information in Search

  • Get results and view TV schedules in 30+ countries

  • Watch official broadcasters’ event highlights on YouTube in 60+ countries

  • Explore Rio and venues in Google Maps

  • Keep up to date with the latest search Trends from around the world

Rio Olympics Google

From live streaming to street views in Google Maps, Google will immerse you in all things ‘Olympic’! Our favorite feature? Google says, “If you search on the Google app on Android and iOS, you’ll also see an option to get automatic updates on top event and medal wins, so you’ll never miss a beat.” Genius.


About Kristin Walker

Kristin is an Account Executive at SISDigital with extensive experience in social media marketing and online community management. Connect with Kristin on Twitter

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