
Google Launches “TV Screens Device Category”, Ad Streaming Wars Have Begun!

4 February 2019
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Image Source: Google Ads

In typical Google fashion, the ad platform with the most market share is continuing to innovate. Last year was full of user-first innovation and experimentation by Google (i.e, the huge Google Adwords’ rebrand). The company introduced its new TV Screen Device Type, which connects to streaming devices, like Roku, Apple TV, Chromecast and Smart TVs, to do this you edit device bid adjustments for ad groups and campaigns.  According to Google, users watch over 180 million hours of YouTube videos on TV screen every day. In Google’s announcement, it cited research that stated consumers typically respond more positively to ads on TV, which generate a 47% higher ad recall and 35% higher purchasing intent.

TV streaming ads aren’t exclusive to Google; AT&T and Hulu have had these ads for a while, and both companies are continuously innovating the streaming ad landscape.  AT&T and Hulu both plan to launch “pause ads” this year. These ads will run when users pause TV shows and movies on the platforms. Hulu also offers advertisers creative ad options, like interactive campaigns that promote user engagement by allowing them to take action (like purchasing event tickets) or select which ads they would most like to see.

Who should try Connected TV Ads: Are you targeting millennials?  TV streaming campaigns are a good place to do so.  Also, if you’re looking to be more creative and engaging with your ad campaigns, TV streaming ads could be for you: Hulu offers interactive ad capabilities that promote consumer engagement right on their TVs. Regardless, 2019 seems to be quite the game changer for new advertiser models, thus smart marketers should endeavor to give them a try and experiment what’s best for their clients.

About Tiffany Odem-Rodriquez

ABOUT TIFFANY ODOM-RODRIQUEZ Ole Miss graduate and friend of all dogs. Tiffany is an avid marketing blogger and part-time yogi. When she's not blogging about marketing or on her yoga mat, you can probably find her at the dog park, a local wine bar or somewhere outside on a patio living her best life in Wilmington.

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