
4 Easy Ways to Get Started on LinkedIn Recruiting

25 February 2014
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You desperately need new talent for your small business or start-up. So, where should you go to recruit the best of the best? LinkedIn, of course! With over 250 million users, LinkedIn is more than a professional “Facebook” or place to collect all your business contacts. Don’t miss out on its incredible recruitment potential! Here are 4 quick and easy ways you can get the most out of this social network for recruiting:

1) Create a Free Company Page

One of the first things you should do when using LinkedIn to recruit is to create a free company page. This gives potential recruits (as well as customers) the opportunity to find out more about your company. To do so, just select Companies from the home page menu and on the right hand side you’ll see “Create a Company Page”.  Once you fill out all the basics and even add a header graphic, you’ll be able to give people an inside look at your company with status updates.

LinkedIn Company PageFor increased recruiting power, add-on a Careers Page. This will be a paid add-on, but here you’ll be able to post blogs, videos, presentations, and even feature other employees. Additionally, any jobs you post will automatically be linked to your company page.

2) Reach out to anyone via Recruiter

Although LinkedIn networking can be done for free, you can get the most out of the network’s recruiting possibilities by using the premium Recruiter. Recruiter costs $99.95 a month, but considering how much most businesses spend per hire, this is still a good value – especially to find that ‘dream employee’!

3) Jump into Groups

Join relevant groups on LinkedIn and interact in group discussions there. You will establish a presence as an expert in your field and that alone may inspire hopeful recruits to check out your company page.

4) Stand out with Sponsored Jobs

LinkedIn says that members are three times more likely to apply for a Sponsored Job than find a job any other way. When a job is sponsored, it is more prominently displayed to potential candidates. How does it work? Employers bid for the top placement in the “Jobs You May Be Interested In” space and select how often they appear. Advertisers can limit how much they want to spend and are only charged when a relevant candidate clicks to view a job.

LinkedIn Sponsored Jobs

There’s no reason you can’t start recruiting via LinkedIn – TODAY! Sign in and find that ‘dream employee’ – they’re looking for you, too! If you’ve had success finding an employee or job via LinkedIn, leave us a comment below, we’d love to hear your story.

About Kristin Walker

Kristin is an Account Executive at SISDigital with extensive experience in social media marketing and online community management. Connect with Kristin on Twitter

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