
SEO for 2016: Think Mobile

7 December 2015
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In 2015, Google told us that mobile searches surpassed desktop searches. What does this mean for your 2016 SEO strategy? Focus on mobile! Here are a few things you may want to consider:


Think Mobile

First things first, if your website isn’t mobile-friendly or responsive to all devices, then you’re not ready for 2016. Next year you’ll need to have a mobile mindset. Since a majority of your audience will be viewing your content on mobile devices, you’ll want to consider how your content will appear before finalizing anything. Gone are the days of creating for desktop. As a matter of fact, it’s just the opposite. Desktops sites that aren’t optimized for mobile suffer ranking penalties, whereas mobile-only sites will suffer no ranking penalty. You’ll want to ensure that your audience receives a consistent experience across devices.


Local, Local, Local

Mobile search will continue to have a major impact on local businesses and local SEO will evolve. According to Google, 50% of mobile users are likely to visit a store location after conducting a local search. Local business, especially in the retail and hospitality industries, should definitely consider local citations as a part of their SEO strategy, especially when considering the rise of voice search.


The Rise of Voice Search

The way we search for things is dramatically changing. The biggest difference between voice search and type search is how we format the query. When typing, we tend to simplify our query to a few keywords, however, with voice, we tend to pose an entire question. It seems we use voice search for questions that can be answered in quick, short-form and look to desktop for more in-depth content. The thing you’ll want to consider going into the new year is searches are evolving from just a few keywords to becoming more conversational.


So how much of your 2016 SEO strategy is going to focus on desktop vs mobile?

Still not sure which direction to head? Leave it up to the experts at SISDigital. We’ve got you covered.


About Shirene Chehrazi

Shirene traded in yellow cabs and city strolls for sweet tea and the salty sea breeze. As a tech-savvy self educator and marketing enthusiast, she strives to stay ahead of trends. Shirene is presently in a long-time love affair with style, music, words and all things design.

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