
Instagram Rolls Out its Ad Platform

22 April 2014
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After testing its ad platform between a multitude of advertisers including GE, Burberry and Adidas in 2013, Instagram is finally rolling outs its advertisement capabilities to the plethora of brands on the app – but at what cost?


Multiple reports show staggering numbers, varying between $300,000 and $900,000 per month depending on reach and frequency. Still in its infancy, however, the only demographics the platform is capable of targeting is gender and age.


A recent ComScore study shows at least 46% of all Millennials have a presence on its platform, which now boasts 200 million monthly users, up from 150 million 6 months ago. As the app does have its limitations, it thus sets the bar high for creative departments to create aesthetically pleasing photos to suit the overarching objectives of awareness and value-adding campaigns.


“It’s really about quality of quantity” one executive states, the challenge Instagram now faces is the possibility of an initial disruption. The company has methodically laid out its ads to diminish their intrusiveness, which could have a negative impact.


Several brands, including TacoBell and Chobani, however, are lined up to partake in its rollout


Photo Credit BusinessWeek

About Leon McLean

Leon McLean is a Project Manager and Trainer at SayItSocial, focusing on digital marketing strategy and project development as well as live, virtual and eLearning training initiatives. Please connect with Leon on... Google +

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