
2014 Trend: Digital PR

20 March 2014
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“Community Managers are today’s Brand Spokesperson”

PR has changed dramatically alongside the advancements in digital trends over the past decade – no longer is public relations about spitting out a plethora of press releases as it was 10 years ago, digital PR is now the art of combining traditional PR with converged content marketing, social media and search. So how are today’s brand spokespersons capitalizing on this trend?

Today’s DigitalPR is all about transforming static news into actionable and conversational content while directing it to your target audience. Moreover, through the help of social media, to scale it exponentially is how brands are going to win.

Repurposed Content 

The importance of repurposed content now plays a vital role in producing timely and relevant material on a regular basis to provide value to end users. It comes in the form of blogs, press releases, white papers and more, but the skill of PR comes in in repurposing such top-tier content and breaking it down into slideshare presentations, infographics, graphics and more, all optimized to natively speak to each platform.


This plays into the 90-9-1 ratios whereby 90% consume 9% edit and 1% create original content online today. However with emerging platforms facilitating content creation like Snapchat and Vine, such ratio will soon dramatically change.


Supply V Demand

With an extreme surplus of content in today’s online market, altimeter group argues that advertising no longer works effectively unless bolstered by additional marketing channels. In 2014 the combination of Paid, Earned and Owned media, (Converged Media) is the key to any content marketing strategy. With the right DigitalPR, repurposing this content native to relevant audiences across platforms, is ultimately how brands will win in 2014.


PhotoCredit InteriorDesign

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About Leon McLean

Leon McLean is a Project Manager and Trainer at SayItSocial, focusing on digital marketing strategy and project development as well as live, virtual and eLearning training initiatives. Please connect with Leon on... Google +

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